All religions have produced their share of fanatics, including that of the Watchtower. Also, in the scale of history, it wasn't that long ago that the so-called "Mainstream" Christian churches used to burn people at the stake for such offences as "heresy" (read apostasy) and witchcraft.
In its own way, burning at the stake is just as gruesome as stoning a person to death. Yet it was sanctioned by what we like to now call the "Mainstream" (i.e. not the lunatic fringe element type) Christian churches - and in the Western countries, which like to view themselves as the very pillars of "civilization."
To those who say "Come On!", and "Really", I am not so sure.
While I don't ever recall any elder making an outright statement that he would like to stone somebody to death, nothing would surprize me too much in this regard. I certainly knew all too many JWs of a fanatical enough frame of mind that they would have carried out the order if it had been issued.
As has often been noted:
"Good people will do good things, and bad people will carry out bad things. However, if you want to get good people to do bad things, just introduce the G.O.D. word into the equation!"
This applies to the JWs just as much as anybody else.